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House passes bill expanding horse soring rules, enforcement


MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — U.S. House members have passed a bill expanding horse soring regulations at Tennessee Walking Horse shows.

Rep. Steve Cohen said Thursday the House voted 333- 96 in favor of passing the U.S. Sen. Joseph D. Tydings Memorial Prevent All Soring Tactics Act.

Soring occurs when a horse’s legs are intentionally injured to make the animal have a higher gait. It often includes the use of caustic chemicals and chains, or objects shoved between the hoof and stacked shoes.

In a statement, Cohen said the practice is “beyond reprehensible.”

The bill establishes a new system for inspecting horses and increases penalties for violations.

Mike Inman is CEO of the Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration show. He says walking horse shows already are heavily regulated and the law hurts the industry.