Common Cents


An engaging new social video series that hits the streets and talks to Central Coast residents face-to-face. Each episode, featuring SESLOC financial representatives, will bring a humorous element interviewing people on the streets with financial trivia questions and educate them on common misconceptions when it comes to financial planning.

Episode 9: Emergency Funds

Common Cents Ep. 9

Join Tyler as he returns to test people's financial know-how.

This time, he’s discussing the importance of emergency funds with SESLOC’s Vincent Delgado. What constitutes a true emergency? Find out as they hit the streets for answers. Learn why having an emergency fund is crucial for navigating life's surprises, from job losses to unexpected bills. Discover valuable tips on managing your fund responsibly. Don't miss this episode of Common Cents – because emergencies can happen to anyone!

En Español
Episodio 8: Puntuación de crédito

Common Cents Credit Score R2 Spanish

¿Ignorar tu crédito puede perjudicarte?

Únete a Laura Zarate de SESLOC en este segmento de 'Common Cents' de 1 minuto. Descubre las consecuencias, expert insights y opiniones. SESLOC Federal Credit Union y Laura simplifican la sabiduría financiera. ¡Sintoniza ahora!

Episode 8: Credit Score

Credit Score R2

Can ignoring your credit hurt you?

Join host Tyler Clark and SESLOC's Education Outreach Manager, Vincent Delgado, in this quick 1-minute 'Common Cents' segment. Discover the consequences, gain expert insights, and hear street opinions. SESLOC Federal Credit Union and Tyler are here to make financial wisdom concise and accessible. Tune in now!

Episode 7: Phishing Scam

Common Cents Morro

What is a Phishing Scam?

In this episode of "Common Cents," we're diving deep into the murky waters of phishing scams. Find out with SESLOC’s Vincent Delgado as we reel in the secrets of online security and equip you with the knowledge to spot phishing attempts a mile away.

En Español:
Episodio 6: Valor de la vivienda

Common Cents Home Equity Spanish

¿Qué es la equidad de la casa?

La equidad es el valor de su propiedad!
Se calcula por la cantidad que se le debe al banco por el valor de la casa.

Este tipo de préstamo se puede utilizar para saldar deudas o realizar reparaciones en el hogar.

Episode 6: Home Equity

Common Cents Home Equity

What is Home Equity?

Equity is the ownership you have in your home. You can calculate your equity by taking a look at your mortgage balance versus your current market value of your home.

En Español:
Epispodio 5: Interés compuesto

Common Cents - Compound Interest Spanish

¿Qué es el interés compuesto?

¡El interés compuesto es tu dinero haciendo dinero!
Como empezar a ganar con interés compuesto:
A. 401K
B. Cuenta individual de retiro
C. ¡Tiempo! ¡Nunca es tarde para empezar a ahorrar!

Episode 5: Compound Interest

Common Cents - Compound Interest - English

What is Compounding Interest?

Compounding Interest is your money making money!
How to start earning with Compounding Interest:
A. 401K
B. Individual Retirement Account
C. Time! It's never too early to start saving!

En Español:
Episodio 4: Préstamos

Common Cents - Spanish Episode 2

¿Alguien con un ITIN puede solicitar un préstamo? ¡Mire para averiguarlo en este episodio de Common Cents!

En Español:
Episodio 3: Llamadas de estafa

Common Cents Episode 3 - Spanish

Si llama tu entidad financiera pidiendo datos personales o contraseña, ¿que haces?

A. Escuche con atención
B. Cuelgue inmediatamente

La repuesta es B. ¡Cuelgue inmediatamente! Su insticución financiera nunca le llamará ni le enviará un mensaje de texto para pedirle su información personal.

Episode 3: Scam Calls

Common Cents Episode 4

If your financial institution calls asking for personal information or password, what do you do?

A. Listen Carefully
B. Hang Up Immediately

The answer is B. hang up immediately! Your financial institution will never call or text asking for your personal information.

En Español:
Episodio 2: Las Cooperativas de Crédito

CCEP3_Credit Union English R1

¿Qué es una unión de crédito? Las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito son instituciones financieras que son propiedad de los miembros. Esto puede permitir mejores tarifas y atención a los miembros que un banco típico.

Episode 2: Credit Unions

CCEP3_Credit Union English R1

What is a Credit Union?
Credit Unions are financial institutions that are owned by the members. This can allow for better rates and member care than a typical bank.

Episode 1: Share Certificates

Share Certificates

What is a Share Certificate?

A share certificate is a type of savings account which yields higher dividends over a committed period of time.