The San Luis Obispo City Council is requesting the publics' input and feedback on a draft proposal to its ambitious Climate Action Plan. More specifically the city is planning on reaching carbon neutrality by the year 2035.
In order to accomplish this the city held an "open house" workshop on December 3, before the regularly scheduled city council meeting. Over 75 people showed up. Participants were asked to envision what San Luis Obispo will be like by the year 2035.
According to a press release from the city released on December 4, The city plans to address net carbon neutrality in six different areas including: city leadership, clean energy, green buildings, connected community, circular economy and natural solutions.
The press release also quotes Chris Read, Sustainability Manager for the City of San Luis Obispo as saying "The City's climate action plan provides us with an opportunity to hear from a wide range of community members regarding their vision for a future San Luis Obispo that continues to thrive as it significantly reduces greehouse gas emissions."
The Public Review Draft of the Climate Action Plan is set to be released in early 2020.