We have returned to a pattern we are all accustomed to here on the Central Coast this time of year: night and morning clouds with afternoon clearing at the beaches, away from the beaches mostly sunny skies and warmer temperatures are the order of the day.
Today the interior was quite warm in the lower 90s, but a cold front currently in Northern California will push thru and drop temps up 10-15 degrees Wednesday. At the coast the change will be much more muted, perhaps slightly cooler but the night and morning clouds will remain in the forecast. The cooler inland temps the next few days will weaken the marine inversion and allow for decent afternoon clearing at the coast.
This brief cool-down ends with the arrival of the weekend. A ridge of high pressure builds over the desert SW and inland temps quickly jump to the upper 90s for the weekend. Coastal valleys will warm into the 80s with beaches in the mid-70s. What marine layer there is should be squished down by high pressure and limited to the beaches. I think there will be enough wind to keep skies fairly clear at the coast.
Additional things to look for this weekend:
Partial lunar eclipse Saturday night.
Large tides over 6ft. on Saturday and 3-5 foot southerly swell with a long period of 17-19 seconds.