Cal Fire fighters are taking advantage of clear weather to do controlled burns before rain hits the Central Coast.
Fire officials say firefighters will be burning brush in Cambria and Avila Beach Tuesday.
The burning in Cambria will be done in the Bridge St. area.
In Avila Beach, the burn will happen in the Davis Canyon area.
Firefighters will be burning brush today ahead of the coming rains. Locations include Bridge St in Cambria #CambriaFireSafe and in Davis Cyn in Avila.
— CAL FIRE SLO (@CALFIRE_SLO) March 20, 2018
Los Padres National Forest firefighters will also do several controlled burns Tuesday.
In Santa Barbara County, the forest service will burn brush near Figueroa Mountain and the Los Prietos campground.
Fuels reduction projects minimize fire size & intensity & reduce the number of communities threatened by wildfire & flood. Today crews are working to create healthy landscapes at Fig Mtn, Los Prietos, and Frazier Mtn.
— Los Padres NF (@LosPadresNF) March 20, 2018