UPDATE (12:21 a.m.) – The final election night results show Compton in the lead once again with 6,092 votes to Paulding’s 6,009 votes.
San Luis Obispo County Clerk-Recorder Tommy Gong says ballot counting will resume on Wednesday morning. Counting is expected to continue for the next several days as more vote-by-mail ballots arrive at the county elections office.
UPDATE (11:40 p.m.) – Updated ballot results late Tuesday evening gave Jimmy Paulding a slight lead over incumbent Lynn Compton in the race for District 4 San Luis Obispo County Supervisor.
Paulding had 5,650 votes. Compton had 5,573 votes.
Compton had been leading the race earlier in the evening but only by a slight margin.
UPDATED (11 p.m.) – The latest election night results show Compton with 4,980 votes and Paulding with 4,925 votes.
UPDATE (9:50 p.m.) – Updated results show Compton with 4,424 votes and Paulding with 4,351 votes.
The seat for District 4 San Luis Obispo County Supervisor is up for grabs in the primary election and the initial results show the two candidates nearly tied.
Incumbent Lynn Compton has been on the board for more than three years and is being challenged by Jimmy Paulding, an attorney.
The first results in just after 8 p.m. show Compton with 4,374 votes and Paulding with 4,302 votes.
The seat serves Huasna, Cuyama, Arroyo Grande, Nipomo, Oceano, and Edna Valley.
The top issue both candidates are concerned about is affordable housing. However, the two differ on most issues surrounding roads and public safety. Specifically, how they would govern and if "big government" plays a role in the seat.
"I was formerly a Republican. I’m a Democrat now," Paulding said. "I’m not happy with either party, but I see it from both sides and I will make sure I drop those labels and listen and hear anybody’s perspective instead of based on a particular party agenda."
"Government does a play a role in our lives and there’s no escaping that but I like it to play as minimal a role as possible," Compton said. "There’s two different directions with Jimmy and I, and people need to do their due diligence and do their research on both of us because this will determine the direction of the board for the next four years."
Click here to see the latest June 5 Primary Election results.