

Vandals slash tires in Los Osos neighborhood


The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office is looking for vandals targeting cars in a Los Osos neighborhood.     

Residents have reported their tires slashed while others say items have been taken from inside their unlocked cars.

The latest incident happened Monday morning. Seventh, 8th and 9th streets have all been hit.

"So we have this first car and they just got the back tire there and then the other two were parked here and they got the back tire on that one and they got the front tire on the truck over there," resident Erika Lee explained.

The tires were slashed on three of Lee’s cars early Friday morning.

"Definitely surprised because it’s always been really nice around here," Lee said.

She initially thought only the inside of her car was targeted. Someone had rummaged through her stuff and some auxiliary cords were taken. 

"So I went to reverse to go to work and I’m like ‘oh, flat tire too?’ I feel like it’s one thing to burglarize but to like cause damage? For like no reason? I feel like that’s really messed up," Lee said.

But she wasn’t the only one targeted on 7th Street. Friday through Monday morning, a slew of reports of more tire slashings and car burglaries, on 8th and 9th streets, too.

"I couldn’t see the slashes because I got in it to drive down the street to pick up the person whose tires were slashed and realized that I had a flat tire as well!" said another resident, Katherine Hodges.

Hodges has lived in Los Osos for almost 23 years and this has never happened to her.

Her new tire, which cost a couple hundred dollars, was installed Monday morning. 

With a lack of street lights in this neighborhood, residents aren’t taking any chances.

"And I just got this, it was only, I think at Ace but it was only 20 dollars," Lee said about the new light outside her home. "It won’t go off in the day but it’s just like motion-sensored. It goes off for like 15 seconds and then goes back on."

The Sheriff’s Office is looking for two people who were seen running away from one of the cars being vandalized.

It’s also asking for home surveillance footage from anyone who may have it on 7th, 8th or 9th streets.