Some people are calling on In-N-Out Burger customers to boycott the popular fast food chain after the company made a donation to the California Republican Party.
According to a public filing on the California Secretary of State’s website, In-N-Out made the $25,000 donation Monday.
The hashtag #BoycottInNOut has since been born and is trending on Twitter.
In N Out donated $25,000 to the Republican Party y’all. Time to #BoycottInNOut
— Ber (@AmberAutopilot) August 30, 2018
@innoutburger looks like my family and I will be boycotting your restaurants from now on. You donate to the @GOP, that means you stand with Trump and all his bigotry. #ShameOnYou! #BoycottInNOut
— SIMON_LEFISCH (@simon_lefisch) August 30, 2018
Sad to hear @inandoutburger donates to @gop. Won’t be visiting again. #BoycottInNOut
— Meredith Heron (@meredithheron) August 30, 2018
@INNnOutBurger, sorry you gave to Republican Party. No longer will I eat at your establishment. Going to Extreme Burger your competitor where I live.#BoycottInNOut
— Bob (@Bobbravo1B) August 30, 2018