The Lucia Mar Unified School District voted Tuesday to accept the resignation of Superintendent Raynee Daley. The board also voted on a replacement for Daley.
Daley announced her resignation Monday in a letter sent to district employees. She said her last day would be no later than January 1, 2019, and that she’ll be on medical leave in the meantime.
"Our thoughts and best wishes are with Raynee as she directs her full energies to getting healthy," said Board President Chad Robertson. "She has meant so much to our district over the years and has served with distinction as our leader."
The board voted unanimously to accept her resignation Tuesday. They also voted to appoint Andrew Stenson as Acting Superintendent. Stenson has had several roles within Lucia Mar School District over the past 20 years. He was a Physical Education Instructional Assistant at Harloe Elementary, a teacher at North Oceano (now Fairgrove) Elementary, Assistant Principal at Judkins Middle School, Principal of Fairgrove Elementary and Mesa Middle Schools, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, and Assistant Superintendent of Business.
"Andy Stenson knows our school district inside and out and is a proven leader. His roots are in our community," said Vice-President Vern Dahl.
The board will discuss Stenson’s official employment agreement at its meeting on September 18.