The Lions Club is helping Central Coast school kids with vision tests.
Lions Club members helped eye professionals with screenings at Arroyo Grande High School on Wednesday. It’s part of a countywide effort of all Lions Clubs.
Students in Kindergarten, first, second, and tenth grades are required to have some sort of eye checkup under California law.

The Lions Club has been doing tests for more than 40 years and has screen about 5,000 students in the Central Coast this year.
“Lions Club is really all about service. Vision is our main focus, but we do so many amazing things,” said member Karen Barcellos. “That’s why I’m so happy to be a part of this club.”
Wednesday’s tests used a spot vision screener, which is a small computer that aids with tests. Arroyo Grande High School supplied the screener, but the Lion’s Club has ordered one of its own to give eye screenings at festivals and club meetings.