Washington’s top Democrats, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, will meet with President Donald Trump Tuesday to hammer out a deal to avoid a government shutdown.
This biggest sticking point continues to be funding for the border wall. The president wants $5 billion, but Democrats are only offering $1.3 billion for fencing, not a wall. Finding a solution is the key to getting a budget in place by the end of next week.
Meanwhile, President Trump is searching for his third chief of staff as John Kelly prepares to leave the White House at the end of the year.
Sources tell NBC News that possible replacements include acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker, Budget Director Mick Mulvaney and conservative Congressman Mark Meadows.
The next chief of staff will usher the White House through potential legal problems as the president’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, claims Mr. Trump directed payments to women that may have violated campaign finance rules. Cohen is also cooperating with the Russia investigation.