

White House claims victory after Mueller report


(NBC News) President Trump is declaring total exoneration now that Attorney General William Barr has released his summary of Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report into Russian election meddling.

Mueller found no proof that President Trump criminally colluded with Russia during the 2016 presidential election, and reached no conclusion about whether Mr. Trump obstructed justice, Barr told Congress on Sunday, while also announcing that he found insufficient evidence to pursue the matter further.

“He issued 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 50 phone pens and interviewed 500 witnesses in 13 countries, so I think that that’s a pretty good vindication of what the president said since the beginning, that there was no collusion,” Jay Sekulow, President Trump’s outside counsel, said in response.

Unsatisfied, Democrats and some Republicans are now demanding that Mueller’s full report be made public.

“The Attorney General’s comments make it clear Congress must step in to get the truth and provide full transparency to the American people,” said Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

Meanwhile, there are still ongoing state and federal investigations involving the president, the Trump Inaugural Committee and the Trump Organization.