People in Santa Maria came together on Monday at the Santa Maria Cemetery to honor Santa Maria Valley service members who gave their lives for their country.
Warren Wall went to the ceremony to represent his dad who served in World War II, as well as his younger brother who served in Vietnam.
“I hope that the seniors, those of us with more maturity, can share what America means to the world and the cost that was laid down from the Civil War, Revolutionary War, World War I and II right on up to the modern ones,” Wall said.
The program opened with a prayer and a performance of the National Anthem by Lt. Col. Carl Holmquist, USAF Retired.

American Legion Post 56 was named in honor of Corporal Marshal N. Braden who fought in WWI.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2521 was named in honor of William and John McGinley, two brothers who fought in WWII.
There was a memorial wreath presentation followed by a speech from guest of honor Col. Kris Barcomb of Vandenberg Air Force Base.
The ceremony closed with audience participation in the song “God Bless America.”
In July, the Santa Maria Recreation Department will be placing “Home Town Heroes” banners along College Drive to honor our fallen heroes.