
Lemos donates 4k pounds of pet food for homebound SLO Co. pet owners

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and last updated

Lemos Feed & Pet Supply donated more than 4,100 pounds of pet food to San Luis Obispo County Animal Services to be used for the county's homebound food program.

The cat and dog food will be distributed to pet owners who are over 65 or immuno-compromised and unable to make it to a grocery or pet store. It will also benefit pet owners typically eligible for food bank services.

County disaster service workers have been reassigned to make deliveries a couple times a week.

"We're super appreciative of Lemos," said Michelle Shoresman, San Luis Obispo County Public Information Officer. "There have been companies like Lemos that have stepped forward throughout this pandemic to offer things to people in the community that they need and I think we at the county and the community really appreciates everybody's generosity in this time."

Before Tuesday, more than 4,300 food deliveries had been made to residents around the county. About 500 more food delievereis were made Tuesday alone.

Pet food deliveries will begin next week.

People wanting to help should call (805) 788-2540. For more information, click here.