A third person in San Luis Obispo County has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, according to the San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department.
The patient reportedly lives with the second SLO County resident confirmed to have the illness. That person was described as being under the age of 60 with significant underlying health conditions and living in the South County. Health officials say both are recovering in isolation at home and cooperating with the Public Health Department's investigation.
KSBY News asked the Public Health Department why officials are not disclosing the cities in which the patients live. Health officials say it's an effort to protect patient confidentiality. They say in suburban or semi-rural counties like San Luis Obispo County, it may be easier for community members to determine the identity of a patient if their city of residence is disclosed.
Residents with questions about COVID-19 in San Luis Obispo County may call the SLO County Phone Assistance Center at (805) 543-2444.
The Public Health Department will hold a news conference Monday afternoon with more information on an executive order issued by County Administrative Officer Wade Horton to temporarily limit alcohol sales at on-site alcohol-serving establishments from Monday at 5 p.m. through Wednesday, March 18 at 12:01 p.m.
KSBY News will livestream that news conference on KSBY.com and the KSBY Facebook page.