

Watch your mailbox for vote-by-mail ballots

and last updated

Californians who are signed up to vote-by-mail should be receiving their ballots in the next few days.

The General Election is scheduled for Nov. 6, 2018.

In the June primary, 67.7 percent of votes were cast via vote-by-mail ballots, according to the Secretary of State’s office.

The Secretary of State has the following tips for vote-by-mail voters:

  • If you’re not sure of your registration status, visit the Secretary of State’s My Voter Status tool at:
  • If you’ve registered to vote by mail, but believe you have not received your ballot, contact your county elections office. Find contact information for your county elections office here:
  • Before returning your ballot, you must remember to sign the return envelope provided with your vote-by-mail ballot.
  • Voters can drop off their vote-by-mail ballots at any polling place, vote center, or ballot dropbox in their county through Election Day.
  • Ballots that are returned by mail must be postmarked on or before Election Day, and received by county elections officials no later than three days after the election.