The Foodbank of Santa Barbara County is asking the community to donate non-perishable food items during the Fill the Foodbank! Drive-Thru Food Drive on Saturday, February 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Both Foodbank warehouses will be open to collect donations.
The Foodbank says it especially needs items including low-sugar peanut (or other nut) butters, canned protein such as tuna or chicken, beans, rice, whole grain cereals, pasta and canned tomatoes or sauce.
The Foodbank’s goal is to collect enough food to fill one large truck, or 40,000 pounds of healthy groceries.
The Foodbank’s Santa Maria warehouse is located at 490 West Foster Road, Santa Maria.
The Foodbank’s Santa Barbara warehouse is at 4554 Hollister, Santa Barbara.
For more information, visit