

Heat Wave: Air conditioning company seeing uptick in calls

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People on the Central Coast are finding ways to beat the heat and keep their cool during this heat wave.

"When we got here and saw it was 100 on the car we were kind of blown away it was that hot," said Alan Howard of Ventura.

The heat is on with temperatures topping out at over 100 degrees around parts of the Central Coast.

"It's hot!," said Krista Howard of Ventura.

"Really scorching hot like I could almost melt on the ground," said Riiyah Underwood-Kennedy.

In Northern San Luis Obispo County, residents and visitors alike were forced to seek refuge from the searing heat.

"We just try to drink a lot of ice water and hang out," Krista Howard said.

"Just chilling in the shade," Underwood-Kennedy added.

"We found a hotel with a pool and that was a must and we decided to stay in an air conditioned hotel tonight," Alan Howard explained.

Air-Left Heating and Air Conditioning says phones have been ringing off the hook.

"The call volume has increased about 300 to 400 percent on any sort of triple digit day," said Michael Wiley, President of Air-Left Heating and Air Conditioning.

New units and repair calls are keeping the company busy.

"The number one issue of a system that's breaking down is typically dirt," Wiley explained.

Changing air filters every 30 to 90 days and checking the batteries in your thermostat are key.

To meet anticipated demand throughout the weekend, the company will keep employees on call for any services needed.

But with an extended string of sweltering temperatures getting underway...

"That's when we will become over inundated and we may be 3, 4 days out before we can get to somebody," Wiley said.

"It was just a little too hot for us," Alan Howard added.