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Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center installs new CT imaging scanner


Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center in San Luis Obispo announced the installation of a new CT imaging scanner to better serve patients in the community.

The CT scanner provides the latest technological advances available to generate images with a lower radiation dose than other scanners with the same purpose. While the lower radiation will help all patients’ health, it will make a huge impact in the pediatric department by keeping children away from the harmful rays.

“This significant upgrade of our Computerized Tomography equipment is just one example of the tremendous capital investment in new technology we have made, and will continue to make as we continue to provide the services needed to help everyone in our communities live healthier and happier lives,” said Mark Lisa, CEO of Sierra Vista.

The scanner also allows patients with large metal implants to undergo CT tests, which was not previously an option for them.

The addition of brain perfusion scanning capabilities will assist and advance the hospital’s interventional neurology program.