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Report sheds new light on sexual assault allegations against former Paso PD sergeant, paper reports


A local newspaper is shedding new light on sexual assault accusations against a former Paso Robles police sergeant.

The Tribune reports that, in documents obtained through a confidential source, a San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s detective’s report details the alleged crimes against Christopher McGuire.

According to the paper, the report documents one woman who claimed McGuire had sexually assaulted her after officers responded to her home and arrested her boyfriend on suspicion of rape and false imprisonment.

It reportedly goes on to say McGuire returned a few days later in civilian clothes and sexually assaulted her again.

The Tribune says the report confirmed that DNA found at the scene matched that of McGuire’s.

The report goes on to say, according to the paper, that McGuire had an affair with a woman while McGuire was at work between November 2017 and March 2018.

The report says GPS, cell phone data and witness statements corroborated the woman’s account, according to the paper.

A third woman, according to the newspaper, said McGuire handcuffed her and placed her in the front of his patrol car. Then he told her to expose her chest and he would make the problem go away.

The detective concluded in the report that “there was probable cause to support the filing of felony charges of assault and battery, forcible rape and attempted forcible rape, all related to McGuire’s alleged crimes against Woman 1,” according to The Tribune.

San Luis Obispo County District Attorney Dan Dow announced last month he would not be filing charges against McGuire after an investigation by his office concluded that “no reasonable and objective jury could find Mr. McGuire guilty of the alleged crimes.”

McGuire, who started working with the Paso Robles Police Department in 2012, resigned Oct. 1.