A four-month investigation led to the bust of an illegal cannabis cultivator near Carpinteria.
According to the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Office, the Cannabis Compliance Team busted the cultivator, Power Farms LLC on Jan. 31.
The investigation spanned two counties and involved three separate search warrants.
Detectives said during the investigation they found that one of the owners had given false information during the cannabis application process and was not following proper shipping and manifest procedures.
The Sheriff’s Office said the owner’s name is not being released because the investigation is ongoing.

This owners Los Angeles County home was served with a search warrant and searched by detectives. During the search, detectives found several unregistered firearms, two of which were stolen. They also found 60 pounds of processed and packaged marijuana from Power Farms. Detectives said they also seized thousands of dollars in cash.
Eventually, the owner surrendered the state’s temporary cannabis license. Then several law enforcement agencies removed all illegal weed from Power Farms because they no longer had a valid state permit to grow or possess commercial cannabis.

Photo Courtesy: Santa Barbara Sheriffs Office
In total, about 22,420 weed plants were taken from three separate greenhouses and about 1,420 pounds of dried weed was seized.