Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the El Camino Homeless Organization received a $130,000 donation from must! charities to increase shelter efficiencies.
ECHO is making more space for pantry storage and serving areas, as well as, adding a new sink, dishwasher and flooring. This gift allows ECHO to offer training in the food service industry. They want residents to secure jobs and make more money by sharpening their work skills and breaking the poverty cycle.
ECHO volunteers serve breakfast and lunch to 50 residents every day. They also provide nightly meals, hot showers, toiletries and overnight bed shelter for community members in need. This gift supports the existing volunteer program by building life skills among the local homeless population.
Must! charities is committed to a four-year plan with ECHO by addressing the local homeless issues. Phase 1 starts by increasing shelter efficiencies and services, but before Phase 2 happens, they need to construct a plan based on the identified outcomes and results.