The San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden is making sure people on the Central Coast are ready for dry seasons ahead.
They hosted a fire-safe landscaping presentation Saturday.
CAL FIRE Defensible Space Inspector Ted Mathiesen was there to give tips on how people can create defensible space in their yards.
He said one of the things that keep people from making their homes fire safe is the cost.
“Sometimes they haven’t done anything for several years and they have multiple trees or some other issue with brush or something and that’s going to be cost prohibitive,” Mathiesen said. “I always say it’s better to keep up than catch up.”
He said another reason is age.
Mathiesen said older people sometimes can’t do the labor work that comes with maintaining defensible space.
Mathiesen said keeping your home fire safe doesn’t mean cutting down every tree in your yard, but just making sure all the dead leaves, branches or needles directly underneath the tree are cleaned and trimmed.