The Robert E. Kennedy Library at Cal Poly updated the status of its renovation plans this week.
In a post on the library’s page, the university says there is no set timeline for when the renovations might take place because it’s all dependent on available funding.
“Ultimately, the timing and extent of the library renovation will depend upon capital funding allocations from the CSU,” the post reads. “Whether and to what extent the library renovation receives funding will determine how and when the project moves forward.”
So far, the university says the design phase of the project has been funded. That’s expected to begin in January 2020 and take up to two years.
The university says it’s exploring additional avenues for project funding, including possible philanthropy.
“During this early planning phase, we want to stress the critical need for this upgrade to benefit everyone who uses Kennedy Library,” said Adriana Popescu, Dean of Library Services. “We will create a flexible, modern library that embodies Cal Poly’s Learn by Doing spirit. And we will do it without sacrificing services or resources in the interim.”
More information on the library’s renovation projects can be found at the Kennedy Library’s Building Renovation website.