The local donut giant SloDoCo has a special tasty ring ready for this special occasion — the donut burger which is described as a “sweet and savory experience.” The potentially tremendously filling donut delight will be available at Cool Cat Cafe’s San Luis Obispo location.
Hook and Press Donuts in Santa Barbara is holding a giveaway for its first 50 customers of the day, who will receive a free mini-donut of a brand new flavor. With the purchase of said donut, patrons will also receive a raffle ticket to win a donut and coffee party.
Sunshine Donuts in San Luis Obispo is also celebrating the holiday but is not offering any promotional offers apart from its usual local fare.
National Donut Day was first celebrated in the early 20th century to honor the tradition of Salvation Army volunteers who made donuts for soldiers on the front lines of World War I.
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