Dozens of people welcomed the new San Luis Ranch at a ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday.
The new San Luis Obispo housing development will feature approximately 300 single-family homes, as well as townhomes and studio apartments at a site located between Madonna Rd. and Highway 101.
The development will also feature an organic farming area, as well as commercial and office space.
Developers are excited to finally open it up to the City of San Luis Obispo.
“We are so excited about getting started,” said Cate Norton, Public Relations Manager for San Luis Ranch. “Through the past couple of years, we have had standing room only crowds in the city council and planning commission, so a great group of people that really want to live where they work, and this is just one of the communities that’s going to make that happen.”
Housing construction is expected to begin in spring 2020.
Construction updates are available on the San Luis Ranch website.