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Santa Barbara Police release parking enforcements for Fiesta Historical Parade


Old Spanish Days in Santa Barbara will get underway this Friday and Santa Barbara Police are announcing enforcements.

To better accommodate the needs of spectators, police are suspending enforcement of 75 and 90-minute curb parking on Friday, August 2 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the following areas:

Above the freeway: Valerio Street on the north, Bath Street on the west, and Laguna street on the east.
Below the freeway: Cabrillo Boulevard on the south, Castillo Street on the west, and Garden Street on the east.

This enforcement does not apply to city parking lots.

Santa Barbara Police will also be performing traffic enforcements during the Fiesta Cruiser Ride on Sunday because they say in the past they have received complaints from the public about disorderly and hazardous conduct by the bicyclists participating in the ride.

For further details about Old Spanish Days and the many events, visit this website.