Committee for Atascadero Public Schools (CAPS) is holding its 15th Annual Event for Education.
Organizers say this year's theme is "Calling All Superheroes!" in recognition of our superhero teachers, students, donors, and volunteers.
The event features an online auction with more than 90 prize packages, including vacation stays, golfing, wine tastings, dining, art, décor, and much more.
Organizers say the goal is to raise money to support the teachers and students in all of Atascadero's eleven public schools. The funds will be provided through grants to teachers to subsidize or provide unfunded educational programs and classroom needs.
"We have a grant committee that reviews all of those grant requests and chooses the grants that are the most outside the box type thinking and things that will really add value to the curriculum and to the teachers and students experience," said CAPS Chair, Nicole Hider.
Register to view and bid on the auction here.
Last year, CAPS raised over $67,000 and awarded 109 grants.
CAPS hopes to reach the milestone this year of providing a total of $1,000,000 in grants to support Atascadero's public schools over the last 15 years.