The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department has issued a beach closure for all recreational water contact at Butterfly Beach in Montecito.
Montecito Sanitary District notified Santa Barbara County officials of a broken sewer force main on Channel Drive causing an estimated 6,650 gallons of sewage spillage.
The broken pipe is currently under repair and there is no anticipated additional sewage anticipated to be released into the storm drain.
The closure begins within one-quarter mile of the storm drain outfall.
Warning signs have been posted for the public to avoid contact with the water until the results of water samples are confirmed that the water is safe for contact again.
Failing to adhere to the posted warning signs could increase the risk for certain types of illnesses such as rashes, fever, chills, ear infections, vomiting, and diarrhea.
For more on how the County of Santa Barbara plans on improving water quality and how you can contribute, visit