The Foodbank of Santa Barbara County will host its 21st annual Santa Maria Empty Bowls on Wednesday, October 26 at the Santa Maria Fairpark on South Thornburg Street.
There will be three seating's at 11 a.m., 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. New bowls and fresh soups will be available at each seating.
This is the first time since 2019 that the community can join together in person to choose from over a thousand unique hand-painted bowls, and enjoy a simple lunch of soup and bread, a raffle and a festive environment.
This event helps provide healthy food to those in the Santa Maria community facing hunger and food insecurity.
Gourmet soups will be created and donated by local chefs and restaurants. Attendees can enjoy the process of choosing from among hundreds of one-of-a-kind bowls provided by schools, local residents, students, local organizations and volunteers.
Leftover soup from the event will be shared with the Salvation Army, for use when warming shelters open up during the cold winter months.
Tickets cost $25 and are available online. They can also be purchased at the Foodbank’s Santa Maria warehouse on West Foster Road from Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Community members who wish to volunteer for Santa Maria Empty Bowls for roles such as set-up, service, clean-up, and more, may sign up online.
You can volunteer also by emailing Kelly Smith at