Tomorrow, Dec. 19, the Santa Barbara County Fire Department will transition from a high fire season to a winter preparedness level.
With this transition, the ban on permit burning within State Responsibility Areas and Local Responsibility Areas within the jurisdiction of the Santa Barbara County Fire Department has been lifted.
Individuals with a valid burn permit may resume permitted burning in Santa Barbara County on permissive burn days. Please note: These permits are issued for burn piles only and are not intended for the burning of standing vegetation, which is considered prescribed burning and is only conducted by fire departments and land managers.
The Santa Barbara County Fire Department issues permits for pile burns in these three categories: Agricultural, Hazard Reduction, and Residential Backyard. Prior to the issuance of a permit, all burn sites and piles will be inspected by the Santa Barbara County Fire Department for compliance with the appropriate permit conditions.
The permittee must contact the fire department prior to starting any permit burn. As a reminder, all burn permit holders are responsible to be compliant with all permit rules and guidelines. Property owners and permit holders could be held liable for any escaped burn on their property that requires fire department assistance. Non-compliance could result in a citation and/or full cost recovery.
The Santa Barbara County Fire Department and Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District work closely together to determine appropriate days for permit burning. The designation of a permissive burn day applies only to holders of current burn permits. It does not grant permission for any unpermitted burn activity.
The public can ascertain whether it is a permissive burn day by calling (805) 686-8177 or visiting the department website.