Over the weekend and overnight, many in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara County have been impacted by power outages.
About 2,400 residents were without power in San Luis Obispo. The power was turned off at around 2:00 this morning and was restored just after 4:30.

Over the weekend, weather was the lead cause of outages- most of which occurred on Saturday.
In Atascadero, 1,200 PG&E customers lost power on the Eastern side of HWY 101 at around 11:30 a.m. on Saturday.
In Arroyo Grande and Huasna Valley, 1,500 residents lost power.
According to PG&E, the "preliminary determinations of both outages were caused by weather."
These outages have been restored, same with most of the outages that Guadalupe faced earlier this morning.
As of right now, San Luis Obispo residents are facing the largest amount of power outages.