

Blues Brothers: Brady and Tanner Lindsly


Tanner and Brady Lindsly have been dreaming to play together since their high school days in Oklahoma, and thanks to a suggestion from younger brother Tanner, they’re reunited this summer in San Luis Obispo.

“He’s a salesman. He can talk anyone into anything,” Brady Lindsly said. “He’s the only reason I’m out here.”

“My first reaction was they’re both catchers, and by Tanner saying that he wants to bring another catcher in, his brother, it’s going to take away innings, but being together was more important,” Blues head coach Dan Marple said.

For the past two and a half months, the Lindsly brothers have been able to work on their game, together, just the way they’ve always wanted.

“This is what we dreamed of – getting to play together on the same team, being in the same lineup,” Brady said. “It’s really fun. We’re having a good time.”

Even though Tanner put in a good word to get his brother on the team, that hasn’t stopped the two from keeping that good old fashioned sibling rivalry.

“I try to keep it friendly,” Brady said. “I can kind of get in his head but I try and refrain from doing that.”

“I’ve always had a better stroke than he does,” Tanner joked. “He’s got a gifted arm so he’s got me on the defensive side, so I have to try and take him on the offensive side.”

Rivalry, or not, the Blues Brothers combination has been a special one all season long.

“I actually enjoy putting their names together back to back in the lineup card,” Marple added. “We’re a better team because the two brothers are here.”