

More coastal clouds until late this week

and last updated

We have a weak area of low pressure in a nearly stationary position just off the Monterey Bay coastline. Coastal clouds will form again overnight and be around the coastline in an on and off fashion through Thursday. For Wednesday: beaches in the 60s with coastal valleys in the upper 60s and lower 70s with inland valleys in the 70s through Thursday.

A big change Friday through the weekend, with offshore winds for the night and morning hours with onshore afternoon winds for the return of more sun and warmer temps.

No significant rain in sight (though some marine drizzle is possible near the coast this week with the night and morning clouds).

For hurricane Sergio is creating some 5-8 foot SW swell that will be around into Friday. Early high tides and that swell could result in local minor erosion and the swell can also produce some rip, there is a beach hazards statement in place for that.