

Another cool and cloudy day expected across the region

Fog over the coast on the Fiscalini Ranch trail
and last updated

Good morning, Central Coast! Happy Wednesday!

To start our day there is a whole lot of marine layer influence once again. This dense chilly and damp air was responsible for a sizable cool down Tuesday and will stay in place once again today. For the first few hours of today that means dense fog extending into the interior valleys.

Through the day the low visibility that will be widespread this morning will clear out but cloud cover is expected to stay all day into the evening. Nothing particularly impactful but something that will be very noticeable.

The calm winds are a contributing factor to the slow and sometimes nonexistant clearing. Most gusts won't reach above 15mph.

As we push towards the end of the week there will not be much relief as this pattern sticks around thankfully weakening each day. Some additional sunshine will begin o takeover by Friday, temps will increase into the 80s in the interiors, less substantial warming in the coastal valleys for Memorial Day Weekend.

Have a great day!