WeatherToday's Forecast


After a cloudy week, sunshine is on the way alongside gusty winds

Posted at 6:43 AM, Apr 25, 2024
and last updated 2024-04-25 13:55:42-04

Good morning, Central Coast!

The last few days have been cool and cloudy for the most part with some sunshine by the afternoon but things are changing!

This morning is still featuring the cooler temps and more cloud cover. Highs will once again stay in the mid to low 60s but as winds begin to shift (much more on that further down this article) the interiors are seeing some warming as the marine air fails to reach them.

Winds are the story for the next few days as more sunshine moves in. Gusts towards 40 mph are expected Friday night and into the weekend. This is all thanks to the system that has been bringing us all this cloud cover moving East. That movement will help clear a lot of our lingering cloud cover but it is also giving strong northerly winds access to the Central Coast and we will see strong winds as the impact.

Those winds will begin by this afternoon, up to 25 mph wind gusts will be the norm across our western beaches and into our coastal valleys this evening. As we move into the overnight winds will begin to focus along the South Coast for a sundowner wind event. There is a wind advisory in place tonight through 6 a.m. Friday morning due to the winds.

Even once the sundowner winds calm early tomorrow morning more winds will build in for the evening and bring gusts up to 40 mph along the western beaches through Friday night. Here is a look at the winds across our communities for the next 48 hours.

Into the weekend, skies are set to clear and temps will warm up.

Temperatures are set to rise by 2 to 4 degrees each day. By Monday, maximum temperatures will reach the 70s and lower 80s, a few degrees above normal.

The ridge is forecast to break down on Tuesday, leading to increased onshore flow. Some patchy low clouds may appear in the morning, and maximum temperatures will cool slightly.

Here is a look at the 7-day forecast!

Have a wonderful day Central Coast!