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Central Coast residents prepare for more rain

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Central Coast residents are preparing for more rain.

"Three days ago, during the torrential rainfall that we got, our garage flooded," said Avila Beach resident Paul Prather. "So now we've, by experience, learned that we've got to take some preventative measures. It's never happened to us before in the 30 years we've lived there."

Prather picked up about 20 sandbags for his home on Friday.

Miner's Ace Hardware in San Luis Obispo hasn't been able to keep sandbags on the shelves.

Ray Rodriguez, assistant manager at Miner's Ace Hardware, said the store ran out of sandbags on Thursday.

"We ran out of sandbags by like midday," Rodriguez said. "And this morning, I went out and got more pallets of sandbags, and we'll probably run out probably this afternoon."

Rodriguez said people usually pick up between 20 and 30 sandbags at a time.

"If we run out of sandbags, people are buying like mulch and gravel bags to put up there because they get desperate," Rodriguez explained.

PG&E says it won't take much to down powerlines after the latest storm.

They recommend that everyone assume downed lines are energized and to stay away.

"If a line comes down on your car, do not get out of your car," said PG&E Public Information Officer Carina Corral. "The recommendation is that you stay in your car, and you can use your cell phone to call 911 or you can roll down your window and call for help. But the recommendation is not to get out of your car because the ground around you might be energized and it can be very dangerous, if not deadly."

In the case of a power outage and restricted internet or phone access, San Luis Obispo County recommends purchasing NOAA weather radios to receive emergency alerts, including evacuations.