Police say they have identified the teen believed to have written a message last month in a San Luis Obispo High School bathroom warning of a school shooting.
The investigation began after the words “Don’t come Dec 6th, School Shooting” were reportedly found Nov. 21.
It was the second message in a week warning of a potential shooting at a San Luis Obispo school for the week of Dec. 2.
Police say they believe a 14-year-old student wrote the message at the high school as part of a trend being encouraged on a popular social media app called TikTok, and that one of their friends knew about it.
Videos have reportedly been circulating on the app for several weeks now urging teens to skip school the first week in December.
“During their investigation, San Luis Obispo Police Department worked closely with school administrators, staff and counselors,” police said in a press release. “The student’s parents were notified and informed about the serious nature of this incident. After a thorough investigation, no arrests were made, and all the students involved in this incident will be dealt with administratively through the school district. Police and school officials feel confident there is no immediate threat towards San Luis Obispo High School students, staff or their families.”
On Nov. 18, police said a 13-year-old student at Laguna Middle School wrote a message on a mirror in the girl’s bathroom there saying, "School Shooting 12-02-19."
Police said they believe the student did this with the knowledge and encouragement of two of her friends.
The following message was reportedly sent out staff and parents at the high school by school administrators:
Parents, students and staff members,
The safety of our students and staff is our top priority, thus we take all threats very seriously. We have concluded our investigation regarding the threatening graffiti and vandalism in the bathroom on November 21st. The students responsible for writing the message on a bathroom wall prior to Thanksgiving break have confessed to writing it as a prank. They were copying what they heard happened at Laguna Middle School, but with a different date. A threat assessment was conducted by a San Luis Coastal Unified School District psychologist and administration on the students involved. The district
psychologist and administration determined there is no evidence to suggest that the students intended to act upon the threat. The students showed remorse for their actions including the pain and trauma that it caused other students, staff, and community members. San Luis Obispo High School, along with the support of our district office, will move forward with appropriate student disciplinary measures. We appreciate the collaborative work done by SLOPD alongside our site and district staff. SLOPD will release a statement later today.
We value the openness of our students, staff, and parents in bringing matters to our attention. We consider it an honor to work with each of your students each day