Tuesday is Election Day, and there might still be time to vote.
Local election offices say voter turnout so far has been low, but they're hoping that changes. People can drop off their ballots between 7 a.m. till 8 p.m. Tuesday night at a drop box, polling place, or the Clerk Recorder's Office. There is even still time to put them in the mailbox.
“I am a busy guy. I got to get my rent paid. I got to keep my dog fed and everybody happy. So a lot of things on my list, but that was definitely a priority, so I had to do it,” said voter, James Goodreau, a San Luis Obispo resident.
"I did all my homework, researched the reading, then I came here and dropped it off," said Sophie Boban-Doering, another SLO resident.
At the polls, voters can turn in their vote-by-mail ballot, or receive a ballot to cast their vote. Poll workers have strict protocols they must follow to ensure no one is voting more than once.
Voters unsure of where their polling location can find the information on their ballot stub.
“It was very easy to vote. I just filled out my ballot little bubble in each one and dropped it off at the courthouse,” said Goodreau.
If you're planning to vote by mail, those ballots must be postmarked by Tuesday and received by the Clerk Recorder's office no later than June 14th.
“I got my ballot sent to me by mail, filled it out at home, had some time to research the candidate, made a decision that felt right for me, and then dropped off my ballot today. I’m super proud, happy voter,” said Kaylyn Brower, another SLO resident.
“I've been doing this for 22 years or 20 years,” added Brian Allen, an Atascadero resident.
A voter can authorize someone else to return their ballot, but that authorization has to be noted on the ballot envelope.
Anyone who does not have a ballot and thinks they should have received one, may have to cast a provisional ballot.
Californians can also track their ballot using Where's My Ballot, a service offered by the California Secretary of State.
"I voted by mail. It was easy. And I got a text saying that they received my ballot first,” said Allen.
“It is so incredibly important for everyone to get out there and vote,” said Brower.