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Cal Poly student discusses his incredible path to graduation

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Cameron Clapp’s path to graduation is unmatched. At age 15, Clapp was hit by a train and suffered significant injuries. “This is unimaginable, graduating. I was told I would never walk again,” he said.

As a result of the accident, Clapp lost three of his limbs. “I don’t remember my accident. It’s probably a good thing because it was probably pretty painful.” Hanger Clinic Vice President of Lower Extremity Prosthetics Kevin Carroll said, “He lost both of his legs above the knee, lost his arm off of the shoulder, a really tragic situation.” Against all odds, Cameron battled back. Clapp said, “I’m totally independent, I drive a car, I live by myself.” Carroll said, “This guy is just made out of a different fabric.”

On June 13, the 35-year-old will be walking to receive his degree at Cal Poly.

Clapp now swims, surfs, skis, and runs, and he gives speeches to war veterans and those going through the same trials he’s faced.

Clapp said, “I do it taking everything I’ve been through to give hope, show it’s possible. With my graduation coming up on Sunday, it is a new part of my story to share.” Carroll said, “These kids that have blown up in Iraq and have a story to tell themselves very much admire the courage Cameron has.” Clapp is graduating from Cal Poly with a Sociology degree Sunday. Clapp said, “Fast forward and here we are and I’m walking during graduation with two prosthetic computerized legs.” Carroll said, “He has been so in awe that he got in and then to graduate after these four years, he made a big commitment to make it happen. He’s kind of like an extended family member ready to graduate and I’m just so proud of him.” Clapp’s main goal moving forward is to become a licensed counselor to continue helping other amputees. Clapp said, “My life today is a miracle.”