

Family guiding Templeton's Frangie through his 1,000 point career

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On Friday Jan. 27 , Templeton senior Nick Frangie surpassed 1,000 points for his career in what was a special moment for him, his team and especially his family which to him, means everything.

“Family is for one, it's my town,” Frangie said after his magical night. “It's everyone that I'm surrounded with on the basketball court and everyone I'm surrounded off of it.”

Family is the cornerstone of Frangie’s life. After scoring his 1000th point, the game ball went to his mother, Tobe, a person that made achieving that milestone possible whether it was driving her son to and from basketball practice or holding down the fort at home.

“She's supported me ever since I touched a basketball,” Frangie stated. “Giving that to her is like a tribute to all the work and all the time she's put in for me.”

In 2018, tragedy struck the family with the passing of Nick’s father John but again, the close-knit community of coaches and other male figures did their part stepping in to grow the point guard into the player he is today.

“They've taken time out of their day voluntarily because they just truly care about me and my family and everyone around me,” Frangie said gratefully.

One of those mentors along the way, former Templeton head coach Andrew Cherry, who coached Frangie and the Eagles the past three seasons, saw firsthand the star guard’s potential even during his elementary school days.

“He was a kid you literally came to watch in the recreation league because he had a reputation of how good a player he was,” Cherry admitted.

The skills are undeniable watching Frangie work on the court despite being smaller in stature, but what sets him apart for many of his coaches, including Cherry, is his heart.

“Nicky is obviously a smaller player, but he's never let that stand in his way,” Cherry said. “It sounds in some ways a little cliche, but he's got a huge heart. He just does not give up.”

A huge heart and the willingness to always persevere are traits Nick’s father undoubtedly always knew about in his son but watching him score his 1,000th point as a Templeton Eagle would’ve unmistakably brought a sense of pride that night.

“I think he would be in tears. He'd be so proud of me. Everything I've done, all my accomplishments I've just thought about him… and it's just amazing. He'd be in tears.”