

Cold air poised to drop into the Central Coast

and last updated

Good afternoon Central Coast! I hope you all enjoyed the holiday weekend.

The forecast is still on par with last nights article, although the wind advisory has dropped for SB county. As we head into the work week some weather patterns are about to shift.

There is a very cold low pressure system poised to drop southeast into the forecast area which will significantly drop our temperatures by Tuesday. Midweek will be the coldest especially for San Luis Obispo with Wednesday and Thursday seeing highs in the 50's.

As the system approaches clouds will come back. By Tuesday many areas with see mainly cloudy skies and the marine layer will deepen over night. This due to the on-shore flow returning.

The low pressure system is looking like a moisture starved inside slider which means there is still a chance for some light rain but the chance becomes slimmer and slimmer as the system gets closer. If we do see rain it will be brief and drizzly some time from Tuesday evening through Wednesday afternoon.

Thursday and Friday are looking like another big wind event so as that time gets closer be on the lookout for a wind advisory which seems likely at this point. A frost advisory also possible during that time frame due to very cold overnight lows. Paso and some of the interiors will drop into the 30's, even San Luis Obispo and some coastal valleys have a chance of dropping to similar temps but Santa Barbara will remain the warmest with lows in the mid to lower 40's.