Tuesday will be mostly dry with cloudy skies and cooler temperatures. Throughout the morning, commuters can expect a cloudy drive followed by daytime highs that will stay on the cooler side. Temperatures are only expected to stay between the upper 50s to the low 60s, with the exception of the south coast region in Santa Barbara County, which could have temperatures closer to the upper 60s.
A cold trough will move over the area Tuesday afternoon, which could bring a slight chance of shower over the north coast, otherwise, the Central Coast can expect scattered rain activity to pick up closer to midnight Tuesday. The precipitation will hang around through Thursday before a dry end to the week Friday. Rain totals aren't looking very generous with this system and will generally be around 0.25''-0.50'' for the Central Coast.
Winds will be breezy at times Tuesday, stay close to 10 miles per hour but gusting close to 20 mph by the afternoon and early evening hours.
As a low pressure brings scattered rain to the area, snow levels are also expected to drop to 3,000 feet Wednesday, which could cause delays for drivers along the I-5 corridor. It's possible that the interior valleys of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties could also see some snow Thursday morning.