Whether you’ve lived on the Central Coast your whole life or for only a few weeks, you know that this is a special place to live.
In 2017’s Central Coast Living, KSBY has visited everywhere from Solvangfor food to Paso for wine.
There’s so much to do on the Central Coast that we couldn’t possibly do it all in 2017.
Who could forget being outdoors for the super bloom and then indoors for a tribute to local dance icon Pat Jackson.
We had our highs, soaring above the full lakes, and our lows, digging into the dirt for the Lompoc Valley Flower Festival.
We learned that Lompoc really does rock year-round and that the holiday extravaganza is tradition come December.
You can find Central Coast Living in our roots, tied to the missions and to the vines.
We’re excited for what’s to come in 2018.